First Reading: Gen 8:6-13. 20-22; Psalm: 116. R. v. 17a; Gospel: Mk 8:22-26
The healing of the blind man in today’s gospel was unprecedented compared to the several healings performed by Jesus. Unlike other healing miracles of Jesus, this very one took a gradual process. At first, when Jesus spat on his eyes and laid his hands on him, he was able to see but his vision was blurred. Jesus had to lay his hands upon his eyes a second time before he was able to see clearly. By this way, Jesus led this man from his weak faith to a firm belief.
The first stage of the healing of this blind man was to increase his faith that Jesus could make him well again. When he began to see faintly but not clearly, his faith increased and his doubt began to disappear. Jesus did this to lead him gradually from unbelief to faith in him. This first stage of healing became a stepping stone to a firmer faith which led to the complete healing of this man.
Some unfortunate experiences of life have dampened the faith of many people today. We can sometimes feel so abandoned by God when we perceive that our situations are not getting any better. But sometimes our expectations can blur our vision that we fail to see clearly the things that God has already done for us. The blessings of God often do not come to us in full package. Sometimes God releases it bit by bit to test our faith and gratitude. And sadly, when we do not see and appreciate these blessings of God no matter how little; it can hinder the bigger packages yet to come. If we cannot see and be grateful for what we already have, God may not go any further to do more for us.
Lord Jesus, increase our faith to be grateful for the things we have received from you. Amen.