First Reading: Jer 15:10. 16-21; Psalm: 59 R. v. 17d; Gospel: Mt 13:44-46
Jesus’ analogy of the kingdom of God reveals how precious it is. It is so precious and valuable than any earthly thing. So, as sojourners here on earth, we may need to ask ourselves if really we cherish this kingdom of God with unalloyed love just like these men in the parable of today who found it and sold everything they had to buy it. We may have to reflect on this question because this parable is not just a tale about God’s kingdom but a challenging message to us to re-evaluate our love for the things of God.
Are there moments we compromised what was right or chose the side of injustice and wrong because of some earthly incentives like money, gifts, promotions, or some other promises? Have we ever for the love of money or earthly pleasure shoved aside our faith and everything connected to it? If we are easily inclined to compromise our love for God for the sake of earthly rewards, then this parable is for us. This parable is reminding us to rethink our priorities and set them right because at the end of everything, God is everything and only God matters.
If we consider ourselves as this man who found a hidden treasure or as this merchant who finds fine pearls, can we really sacrifice the pursuit of earthly wealth to give the kingdom of God the first place in our lives as these men did in this parable? God is not asking us not to seek for earthly wealth but that when it is placed side by side with our love for God, we should be wise enough to make the right choice. As Christians, how precious is our faith to us? How much value do we place on our love for God? A sincere assessment on this would tell us where we are heading to.
Lord Jesus, may our love for God’s kingdom inspire all we do. Amen.
Amen. May the light of Christ help us to identify eternal values and treasure them ultimately.
Thanks Padre