1st Reading: Acts 12:24-13:5a; Psalm: 67. R. v. 4; Gospel: Jn 12:44-50
The theology of John’s gospel is amply bristled with the co-relationship between the Father and the Son. This relationship is eternal. And this was why Christ never ceased to make reference to it because of his eternal co-existence with the Father. Christ though human is divinely united with the Father in essence and will. And having entered the human history as man, he made his Father’s will known to those who believe in him therefore becoming an intermediary; a bridge between the Father and us.
Since Jesus came from the Father and took our human nature, we can then get to the Father through Jesus by accepting that will of the Father which Jesus shares with the Father and has now revealed to us in his word. This was why it was necessary that Christ should take our human nature so as to be able to perfectly nourish us with his words and purify us by his death that we may be docile to the will of the Father. The words and the cross of Christ is then a perfect bridge that unites us with the Father. So, to go to Christ is to go to the Father. And to believe in Christ, is to believe in the Father.
This divine privilege of our union with the Father through Jesus his Son has brought light to our dark lives. This light is the Word of God we hear daily. Our judgment will be based on how well we internalise and live this message. There is no better way to pass through Christ to the Father except in living out the gospel message which is the will of the Father perfectly revealed in Christ. Jesus said “He who rejects me and does not receive my sayings has a judge; the word that I have spoken will be his judge on the last day” (Jn 12:48). The coming of Christ has made our judgment more concrete and handy. We have no excuse. Let us cease our opportunity now and do the needful.
Lord Jesus, grant us the docility to obey your Word. Amen.
Amaka Egbuonu