First Reading: Acts 15:1-6; Psalm: 122. R. v. 1; Gospel: Jn 15:1-8
The vine is a very delicate plant. It needs a great deal of attention to get the best fruit out of it. It has two kinds of branches. The ones that bear fruit and the ones that do not. Customarily, the branches that do not bear fruit are cut off so as not to drain the strength of the plant unnecessarily. Jesus described himself as the vine and we are the branches. And just as there are two kinds of branches; there are also two sets of believers. There are those who bear fruit and those who do not. The fate of those who have refused to bear fruit is very clear. Jesus said they would be cut down.
In life, we affect and inspire one another. For instance, a well mannered friend can affect or inspire a wayward friend. An exemplary father can be an inspiration to his children. But one necessary factor to the feasibility of these changes or influence is proximity. If we admire any quality or gift in a person, the easiest way to imbibe such quality is either by proximity to the person in question or by being conversant with the person’s works and writings. The closer we are to who or what we like, the more we become like them.
Jesus calls us today to maintain this relationship of proximity. If we remain attached to him, we will bear much fruit as we gradually become more and more like him. He will provide the necessary nutrients that we need to bear fruit. Jesus had the practice of withdrawing himself occasionally from the noisy world to a solitary place to reenergize himself through communicating with the Father in prayer. How often do we go to God through prayer or retreat? When last did we confess our sins? These are ways we can remain united with Jesus the true vine. Remember that without Jesus, we can do nothing.
Jesus the true vine, help us by your grace to remain united with you so as to bear much fruit. Amen.
This is in depth explanation of the scriptures.
Daalụ Fada.
Holy Spirit, help me to be attached to Jesus more and more. Whatever that would destroy my relationship with my God, grant me the fortitude to reject it. Amen
Thanks Padre
Looking up to the Holy Spirit my comforter