ST JOHN CHRYSOSTOM, B.D. (Memorial) White

He is one of the most famous orators of his day. Because of his eloquent sermons, John earned the title “Chrysostom” (golden mouthed). John explained the scripture with clarity and they were always on point and sometimes went on for hours. He was made bishop of Constantinople in 398. John criticised the rich for not helping the poor with their wealth; fought to reform the clergy and prevent the sale of ecclesiastical offices (simony). He is one of the Greek Fathers of the Church and was proclaimed Doctor of the Church in 451.

First Reading: 1Cor 12:12-14. 27-31a; Psalm: 100. R. v. 3c; Gospel: Lk 7:11-17



St. John Chrysostom

God’s compassion is so great. He knows and understands our plights and sorrows and comes in at the right time to rescue us. God knows what we feel. He reads and understands the depth of our hearts. The widow of Nain had just lost her only son and was on her way to the tomb to bury him. Jesus, together with his disciples and a great crowd happened to be passing the same way towards the city of Nain. And the joyful crowd led by Jesus met a sorrowful procession.  It was not by chance that Jesus met this unfortunate widow and her dead son, but by divine providence.

Jesus was moved with compassion on seeing this widow. He could feel her sorrow and pain and saw what life would become for her without a family. And so he intervened and said to her, “Do not weep.” This consoling statement of Jesus was deeper than words. It was beyond the sympathising words of one who consoles. It was an assurance of hope and restoration; the hope that the God who gives life is here. For Jesus is the resurrection and the life. These assurances were embedded in those consoling words of Jesus. Jesus touched the bier, and the bearers stood still. And he commanded life into the dead man saying, “Young man, I say to you, arise.” And the dead man came back to life.

One truth we should know is that God is aware of our situation. He is never late but knows the best time to intervene in our cases. We all need to take solace in these consoling and reassuring words of Jesus “Do not weep”. We need to build our hope and trust on Jesus who is the resurrection and the life. He has conquered death and so has power to life. So whatever troubles we go through in this life is not above the redeeming power of Jesus. Jesus is saying to us today “Do not weep.” Though our cases may be as bad as dead; but Jesus holds the key to that situation. At the appointed time he will intervene.


Lord Jesus, grant us the grace to trust and wholly depend on you in all circumstances of life. Amen.

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