First Reading: Eph 5:21-33; Psalm: 128. R. v. 1a; Gospel: Lk 13:18-21
The magic of yeast on dough is very interesting to watch. Dough, a thick malleable mixture of flour and liquid can rise in size when yeast is added to it. This rising takes a gradual process until it reaches its plateau. The magic of yeast is that it can make the dough rise twice or even thrice its original size. This mutation in the size of the dough underscores the point on which the message of today centres.
Jesus compared the kingdom of God like the yeast in the dough. “It is like a leaven (yeast) which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal, till it was all leavened.” How can we explain this? To do this we need to understand what Jesus meant by ‘the kingdom of God’. The kingdom of God is simply the presence of Jesus which is the presence of God among us. It is the establishment of the faith in Christ Jesus made visible today in the Church of Christ. It is the faith we preach.
So the illustration of the rising effect of the yeast on the dough explains how the coming of Christ had great effect on the world. How conversion and growth in faith is a gradual process. There are many Christians today who are impatient with their growth in the faith and in holiness. They want to reach certain level in their spirituality and faith life but feel static. This parable teaches us that conversion and growth in the faith takes a gradually process just like the rising effect of the yeast on the dough. God’s grace works in us in a gradual and transforming way. We should therefore trust in God’s plan and not wear out in our efforts.
Lord Jesus, may your kingdom come in our lives. Amen.