ST FRANCIS DE SALES, B.D. (Memorial) White

Francis de Sales was born in Savoy near Annecy in 1567. He studied the law, but abandoned the prospect of a brilliant career, and was ordained to the priesthood in 1593. Francis was appointed bishop of Geneva, and spent the rest of his life reforming and reorganizing the diocese. He became the spiritual director of Saint Jane de Chantal with whom he founded the nuns of the Visitation in 1610. In his most famous writings, the “Introduction to the Devout Life” (1609) and the “Treatise on the Love of God” (1616), Francis taught that true holiness is not reserved for monks and hermits alone. We can all attain a devout and spiritual life no matter what our position in society. Francis died at Lyons on December 28, 1622 and was canonized in 1665. He was declared a Doctor of the Church in 1877 and Patron of the Catholic Press in 1923.​

First Reading: Heb 10:1-10; Psalm: 40 R. v. 8a. 9a; Gospel: Mk 3:31-35



Today is the Feast of St. Francis de Sales, Patron Saint of Writers and  Christian Unity

As Jesus was preaching to the crowd in the gospel of today, his mother and brethren came asking to see him. No one knows exactly why they wanted to see Jesus. But whatever must have made them to go in search of Jesus and to seek his attention should be something important or serious. The reaction of Jesus however was not an attempt to trivialise whatever was the reason for their coming. Jesus was only emphasising a point. When it comes to doing the things of God, family or other affiliations should not come first.

The gospel narrative of today ended abruptly without any hint as to whether Jesus attended to his family afterwards. But most definitely, it is expected that Jesus would do that perhaps after teaching the crowd. However, the message of Jesus was already clearly conveyed to the crowd that doing God’s will was above everything; even love for family.  

The Christian services to God and neighbour is a divine responsibility because it is an action in response to God’s command. The commitment to do the will of God by keeping his commands should totally consume us. Love for things of God should take the first place in our lives. When it comes to serving God and doing his will, the bond we have with God as his adopted sons and daughters through baptism should supersede the bond of family. Yes, blood they say is thicker than water. But when it comes to doing the will of God, love for God takes the lead.


Lord Jesus, we pray for the grace to do your will always. Amen.

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