First Reading: Sir 2:1-11; Psalm: 37. R. v. 5; Gospel: Mk 9:30-37
There are times we waste so much energy and time arguing about unnecessary things. We often do this when we want to inflate our ego or to prove that we are better than others. This usually happens among peers. In school, work places or social gatherings; we sometimes deviate from the essence to debate on trivialities. Like, who is more beautiful, more attractive, classier, or more brilliant? But at the end of the day, we would discover there are more important things to talk about or reflect on than arguing over irrelevant issues.
Jesus had just told his disciples that he was going to be arrested and killed. But they did not understand this saying because their hearts were set on trivial issues. Not long enough; the disciples began to discuss what preoccupied their minds that they failed to understand the words of Jesus. They began to argue who was the greatest among them. When Jesus inquired from them what was it they were discussing, shame filled their hearts. They couldn’t let it out. They suddenly discovered that their argument was not only disrespectful but unnecessary while Jesus was still with them.
God calls us back to our senses when we stray on unimportant things. Sometimes God does this through the voice of reason. That moment we suddenly discover on our own that we are wasting too much time on what is less important. That moment we stop arguing and start acting. That moment we stop yielding to pleasure and ego and begin to think more on how we can impact on the lives of those around us. We need to be conscious of this moment. It comes like a spark of light. Like a silent berating voice calling us back to our senses. When we hear this voice; do not ignore it. This is God calling us to do the right thing.
Lord Jesus, open our ears to listen to you as you call us back to yourself. Amen.