1st Reading: Acts 2:36-41; Psalm: 33. R. v. 5b; Gospel: Jn 20:11-18



The Lord Jesus Christ appears before those who seek Him from the heart –  Jehovah Roi

On hearing of the missing body of Jesus in the tomb from Mary, Peter and John hurried down to see for themselves. After confirming the news, they returned to their homes. Mary must have been disappointed that these men had to leave. She probably thought that their coming to the tomb was to search for Jesus’ missing body. After all, this was why she came to them bringing the news. She became disappointed when they left without bothering to search at all. This explains why Mary remained outside the tomb weeping. Her deep desire to find Jesus does not conform to the desire of Peter and John.

Mary’s remarkable decision to wait explains her desire. Her desire was not to hear that Jesus was missing but to know where to find him. It was not just to hear that Jesus had risen but to see the risen Lord. If Jesus has truly risen from the dead as he promised, Mary’s one desire was to be convinced of this by the presence of Jesus. This was why she refused to go. She remained there and wept. Finally, her desire and her tears paid off. Jesus appeared to her and even called her by her name “Mary.”

When God sees that we search for him. When he sees our deep desire to know, love and find him; he doesn’t turn a blind eye to this. Our search for God is actually God drawing us closer and closer to him. It is his love that attracts and sustains our patience. All God needs from us is that desire to stay. Just to stay. When we are too busy to stay and quick to leave his presence, we may lose that opportunity of feeling his presence around us. We should learn to stay in prayer. Don’t hurry. How joyful it is to hear God call our name. He can call our name in that quiet and patient moment of prayer. All we need to do is to stay. Just stay.


Risen Jesus, give us the patience to stay with you in prayer. Amen.

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