John the Apostle was the son of Zebedee and Salome. He and his brother James the Great, were nick-named “Boanerges,” the Sons of Thunder. John was called by Jesus during the first year of his ministry, and was known as the beloved disciple. Tradition says that John took Mary into his home and when persecution broke out in Jerusalem, they travelled to Ephesus. John founded many churches in Asia Minor. He lived to an extreme old age and died at Ephesus about the year 100.
First Reading: 1Jn 1:1-4; Psalm: 97 R. v. 12a; Gospel: Jn 20:2-8
Among the twelve disciples of Jesus, John stands out. Although John was the youngest of them all; but apparently he showed commitment, courage and love more than the rest of the eleven. John was called the beloved disciple because Jesus had a very soft spot for him just as any father would have a strong liking for one of his children. It was John who made Jesus came close in disclosing who it was that would betray him when Peter beckoned on him. When John asked, “Lord, who is it?” Jesus revealed that it was he to whom he would give a morsel dipped in a chalice (Jn 13:25-26).
The love John had for Jesus was so pronounced in the Scriptures. True love is tested in trying times. John faced this test and passed. During the passion of Jesus, it was John who stood close and followed till the death of Jesus on the cross. The rest of the apostles dispersed. John’s courage and commitment merited him the privilege of becoming the guardian of the mother of Jesus. When Jesus saw John by his mother’s side as he hung on the cross, he said, “Woman, behold, your son! Son, behold, your mother!” (Jn 19:26-27). When the news of the missing body of Jesus got to the ears of John, he ran immediately to the tomb. He saw and believed that Jesus had risen.
Love they say, is the great interpreter. It speaks louder than words. It can realise the meaning of a thing when research is blind. John’s unshaken love for Jesus even amidst persecution tells us what true love means. If our love for Jesus is sincere and steadfast, we will not doubt or ask too many questions when we face life’s challenges. We would trust and follow Jesus notwithstanding. And when we cannot stand by those we love in moments of pain and challenges, we cannot claim to have true love in us. Whoever wishes to know what true love is, should look at the life of John the beloved disciple.
Lord Jesus, grant us the grace to love you as we ought. May our faith in you not be shaken in moments of challenges. Amen.