First Reading: Jer 30:1-2.12-15.18-22; Psalm: 102 R. v. 17; Gospel: Mt 14:22-36
There are things that are inevitable in life; things that must necessarily happen. If we are healthy, sickness is inevitable. Are we happy at the moment? Sadness will come some day. We may be successful today, but are not exonerated from the challenges of failure. These other sides of life can surface any time. But what really matters is to see the bigness of God over these challenges when they come knocking at our doors. If we believe in the bigness of our God over them all, we will not be afraid because we know they cannot overwhelm us.
Peter was amazed to see himself walking on the sea when Jesus summoned him to come. But one thing he was obviously not ready for started happening. The terrifying wind of the sea began to blow and stole his attention that he began to sink. It is important to note that this distraction was a necessary one because it is expected to experience wind current on a sea. But Peter was not ready for this. And most importantly, he failed to believe that Jesus was greater than the wind and his fears. This was Peter’s pitfall.
The wind current of trials and temptations are inevitable in our journey of faith. They come unexpectedly especially when we are not ready for them. These experiences are necessary for our faith growth. Although they may appear overwhelming but once we can raise our faces too see the bigness of our God whom we journey towards, these experiences cannot sink us. When God invites us to come to him and we choose to follow, he will give us all the graces needed to overcome the dangers on the way. Just don’t look at or think of those dangers. But believe in our God who is in charge of our journey. Whatever it is that is our sinking wind is not bigger than God.
Lord Jesus, increase our trust in you. Amen.