ST LEO THE GREAT, PP. D. (Memorial) White
Leo the Great was Pope from 440 – 461 AD. Through his prayers, sanctity, and eloquence, he saved Rome from the invasion of Genseric and Attila the Hun. He called the council of Chalcedon and condemned the following heresies: Nestorianism, Monophysitism, Manichaeism, and Pelagianism. He was a great teacher of the faith and wrote several letters. It was because of his great writings and teachings that he was proclaimed a Doctor of the Church in 1574.
First Reading: Phlm 7-20; Psalm: 146. R. v. 5a ; Gospel: Lk 17:20-25
When the Pharisees wondered about when the coming of the kingdom of God would take place, Jesus said to them that the kingdom of God was in their midst. By these words, Jesus was revealing to them that his presence was the ‘kingdom of God’ because as the Son of God he typified all there was to know about the Father. And his message of the gospel was a revelation of the will of the Father.
Although the Pharisees failed to accept Jesus for who he was; we do not as Christians because we anticipate that Christ would come again to take us with him. There have been a number of predictions at different times by different by preachers about this second coming of Christ. This has caused some panic among Christians. But we do not need to be anxious about this. The kingdom of God is already among us because Christ has made known to us the will of the Father. The reason we often panic about the second coming of Christ is simply because we have failed to live according to the will of the Father. If we did, there will be no need panicking.
So we are reminded today to feed on the fruits of Christ’s first coming. This is the only way we can be ready for his second coming. There is no need therefore to follow blind predictions; for that day will be sudden and clear to us individually as the lightning in the sky is clear whenever it strikes. So how prepared are we? We need to create time to reflect on this question and begin to make amends if we had not been living up to expectation.
Lord Jesus, we pray for the grace to be found ready when you come again. Amen.