First Reading: Is 26:1-6; Psalm: 118. R. v. 26a; Gospel: Mt 7:21. 24-27
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father in heaven.” (Mt 17:21).
Words do not always translate into action. Words can be far from action; but action goes out to speak loudly the intentions of the heart. What we say are not always what we end up doing. But what we do could be a way of disclosing our intentions and desires. However, in some cases, our actions contradict our intentions especially when we act in pretence. But that would be living in falsehood. An authentic life is when action conforms to words and vice versa.
Jesus said in the gospel of today, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father in heaven.” Therefore, it is in doing God’s will that we can be saved. Going further on this, we need to also understand that when we pretend or feel compelled to do the things of God; we will not only be living in bondage but will also be sad and unfulfilled. Doing God’s will therefore should be motivated by love and willingness. This is the authentic Christian way of life.
We should all evaluate the motive behind our services to God and neighbour. Do we love, pray and give because our faith demands them or because it is right to do so? The services we render to a friend or neighbour, do we do them purely out of love and concern for them or are they motivated by some ulterior motives? If we all sincerely look at the motives behind our actions, we may discover that they are not pure and holy. Doing the will of God is not just about doing good but about good doing. And good doing is an action done purely out of love.
Lord Jesus, may we always do your will in love and sincerity. Amen.