First Reading: Joel 4:12-21; Psalm: 97. Rv. 12a; Gospel: Lk 11:27-28.
A true testimony is often not the self acclaimed testimony but the testimonies of people about us. We cannot claim a reputation for ourselves when every other person around thinks otherwise. People testify to who we truly are based on what we do and what they see. The woman who spoke from the crowd in the gospel of today was so overwhelmed by the awesomeness of the person of Jesus that she joyfully exclaimed “Blessed is the womb that bore you, and the breasts that you sucked!” This was a pure testimony borne out of experience.
But Jesus immediately pointed out that God’s testimony of us is the best testimony we should desire. We shall be called “blessed” by God and truly his own if we kept his word. God was not ashamed to testify about Jesus at his baptism. God called Jesus “his beloved in whom he is well pleased” (Mat 3:17). This is because Jesus is an obedient son of the Father.
If God were to testify about us; what do we think he would say? What would God say about the things we think and harbour in our hearts? What would God say about the things we do in secret? What would God say about our faith life? Jesus reminds us today that the only way God can be proud of us as his true children is by keeping his words. Because sometimes we are only moved by the excitement of God’s word or by the person of the preacher just like this woman from the crowd; but fail to keep the message that we hear. Indeed, blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it.
Lord Jesus, grants us the docility of heart to hear your word and to keep it. Amen.