First Reading: Phil 1:18b-26; Psalm: 42. R. v. 3ab; Gospel: Lk 14:1. 7-11
“For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” (Lk 14:11)
Adaora was a very good dancer. She was the leader of her dancing troupe who would not go for any outing or competition without her. Adaora was so proud that the rest of the group always pleaded with her whenever she refused to join them for an outing. On this day, Adaora started her usual attitude and her group got tired of begging. A diminutive unnoticed girl among them volunteered to lead the dance. The rest of the group were surprised at her dancing skills. They couldn’t believe she was that good. She was simply amazing. From that day on, Adaora became history.
Never think you are too good and indispensable. Because sometimes as leaders, our intelligence or talent often quietens the latent gifts in others. Just stand aside and you would discover that there are many capable hands fit to do what you think you know how to do best. There is always some pride in all of us especially when we are acknowledged to be very good in doing a job so well. But true humility is tested in times like this. Jesus warns us today that no matter how important we are, we should learn to be self-effacing.
We learn humility when we accept the fact that no matter how knowledgeable we are in life, we still know very little compared with the sum total of knowledge. We do not know or have it all. There are always those who know better than we do. If we think we are rich; someone is richer. Do we think we are very intelligent? There are more intelligent people. The degree of what we know is never exhaustive of the entirety of that knowledge. Learn to be humble. God looks down on those who look down on others. No matter who we are, we can choose to sit low. With growth humility is tested.
Lord Jesus, teach us to imitate your humble spirit. Amen.