First Reading: Gen 49:2. 8-10; Psalm: 72. R. v. 7; Gospel: Mt 1:1-17
The story of Abraham in the Bible is a very familiar one. Recall how long it took Abraham before he had Isaac. God had earlier promised to make Abraham’s descendants great through a son by Sarah. Abraham waited and almost lost hope in the fulfilment of this promise. Sarah even laughed when the angel announced that she was going to conceive. This was because she was about ninety years old and Abraham about a hundred at that time. Eventually, God gave Isaac to Abraham as a son. And this was the beginning of the genealogy of Jesus Christ.
This genealogy stretched across 42 generations; beginning from Abraham through David to Jesus Christ. These genealogies as narrated in the account of Matthew showed God’s faithfulness in fulfilling the promise made to Abraham which though to the judgment of man was delayed but fulfilled in time in the eyes of God.
As we can see, it took several generations starting with the patience of Abraham before the birth of Christ our saviour. Abraham’s faith may have wavered along the way while he waited for a son by Sarah; but he didn’t stop hoping and trusting in God. In due course, he had Isaac and through many generations came Jesus Christ. This narrative encourages us to be patient and trust in God’s plan for us especially as we are one week closer to Christmas. At the moment, things may not be working out for us as planned. But perhaps God is putting things in place for us. Our God can never be late. We need to work according to his own time and plan. If we trust God in this way, things will work out perfectly for us.
Lord Jesus, as we await your coming, we ask for the grace to trust in your plans for us. Amen.