First Reading: Acts 28:16-20. 30-31; Psalm: 11. R. v. 7a; Gospel: Jn 21:20-25
In the gospel of yesterday Jesus indicated the kind of death Peter would suffer. This got Peter a bit anxious that he became inquisitive as to how the other ten apostles would die. When Peter turned, his eyes caught that disciple Jesus loved and Peter began to wonder if this disciple would die at all and how he was going to die. To douse his curiosity Peter asked, “What about him Lord?” Jesus answered him “If I want him to stay behind till I come, what does it matter to you? Follow me!” Obviously this wasn’t the answer Peter expected.
From Peter’s inquisitiveness, we see how we can sometimes be stuck in other people’s affairs that we fail to face our own life. At times, we tend to measure our successes and achievements by comparison and get discouraged and sad because we felt we are not meeting up with the progress or successes of others. We forget that the paths to our destinies are not similar. And that what we would become is not determined by us. We just need to trust in God and follow him just as Jesus told Peter and all will be fine.
It is said that ‘If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.’ But this is a mirage. We cannot make any headway by remaining stuck in thinking of other people’s affairs. What would be would be. If God is in charge of our life, we need not to worry at all about what becomes of us or of others. Most burdens we carry today are self-imposed because we busy ourselves trying to be like others and worrying over nothing. We spend time worrying about what we cannot change and living a life we are not meant to live. If we want to have our peace, we should avoid poke nosing. Sometimes the things we try to find out about others can steal our joy and peace.
Lord Jesus, give us the serenity to accept your plans for us. Amen.