The name Agnes means “chaste lamb.” She is the daughter of a noble Roman family. She was martyred for her belief during the persecution of Diocletian in 304. Agnes was ordered to sacrifice to pagan gods and lose her virginity by rape. When she was led to a Roman temple, she made the sign of the cross. She was threatened and tortured yet she refused to turn against God. She said to marry or to lose her virginity would be an insult to her heavenly Spouse, and that she would keep her virginity and accept death and see Christ in heaven. She was eventually roasted in the fire.
First Reading: Heb 9:2-3.11-14; Psalm: 47 R. v. 6; Gospel: Mk 3:20-21
Jesus grew up with friends and families in the little town of Nazareth. As a result, he must have established a strong tie with them. But there came a time when Jesus left home after thirty years of living with his people. When Jesus kicked off his public ministry as an itinerant preacher, his people lost touch of his physical presence as he moved from town to town preaching and healing. His fame and influence grew so fast that everyone desired to see and be with him. His own people perhaps waited for that opportunity also. And then it came when Jesus decided to visit home again.
Upon returning home, his friends and families couldn’t even have access to him because the crowd gathered about him that he couldn’t even eat or rest. This of course can provoke anyone. His friends had waited for this opportunity to have him around and perhaps have some private time with him. But Jesus didn’t even get to the house or desired to eat anything. The crowd preventing that from happening. His friends had to take the quickest possible action by seizing him and taking him away from the crowd supposing him to be beside himself.
The love for the things we do can sometimes consume us that we cannot even find time for ourselves. Obviously, Jesus loved what he was doing. His love and passion for the work of salvation consumed him. But the intention of his friends wasn’t bad either. They meant well for him. Sometimes we need people to tell us to slow down. Not because they hate what we do but because they care about our wellbeing. The friends of Jesus may have misunderstood the mission of Jesus, but Jesus knew they meant well for him. We all need this kind of love from friends and family. The love that looks out for one another especially when we are overly consumed by the things we do and having no time for ourselves.
Lord Jesus, give us the heart to care and look out for one another. Amen.