First Reading: Prov 3:27-34; Psalm: 15. R. v. 1b; Gospel: Lk 8:16-18
In the ancient Jewish architecture, houses are usually windowless. Rooms at night can be so dark that nothing was visible. But with a lamp made of clay a whole room was illumined. Jesus used this experience to describe how the life of a true disciple should be. A true Christian life should be transparent and not hidden much like a lamp that lights up a room. This is not about making our good deeds public for people to see. But it is about living a life we are proud of; a life we are not ashamed of if disclosed to all to see.
Ordinarily, good deeds fear no publicity. Good actions are freely carried out in the open. Only actions or deeds that are evil and sinful are done in secret because we are not proud of them. So Jesus admonishes that a true disciple should not live in sin which is often a secret activity. “No one after lighting a lamp covers it with a vessel, or puts it under a bed, but puts it on a stand, that those who enter may see the light.” The life of a true Christian should be like a lamp that lights up the path for others to follow. Our life should be a source of inspiration to the world.
We can re-examine our lives today to find out those things we do that we are not proud of. What are those things we hide from others or that we are scared that people may know or see? For a serious minded Christian, to live a sinful life is to live in imprisonment. We cannot be free, happy, fulfilled and proud of the things we do because we have covered our light with the vessel of sin. Jesus wants our light on the stand; in a place where all can see so they can learn from us. We can only do this by choosing to live exemplary life. People do not only listen to what we say; they also pay attention to what we do. And if the things we do must inspire others, then they should be good.
Lord Jesus, we pray for the grace to become true lights lighting up the lives of others. Amen.