First Reading: Gal 4:22-24.26-27.31-5:1; Psalm: 113. R.v. 2; Gospel: Lk 11: 29-32
Jesus called the increasing crowd a wicked generation because they asked for signs. Obviously, they were not ready to listen to Jesus or believe him unless he performed a sign to prove to them that he was from God. Jesus was disappointed by this; coupled with the fact that the crowd was increasing not in search of faith but signs.
Jesus did not yield to their request because he doesn’t need to do that to prove himself. Jesus’ life, death and resurrection would reveal to the world that he was the Messiah. And this was the best sign this crowd would witness. Jesus warned the crowd of their impending commendation if they failed to come to faith through his paschal mystery (his life, death, and resurrection). For he was greater than Solomon and Jonah who were able to make positive changes in the life of the people of their own time
God really does not need to prove himself for us to believe in him. He does not have to do things our own way to win us over. Some people pray asking God to grant their requests as a way to prove to them or to others that he is God. Whether God answers such prayer or not doesn’t in any way reflect who God truly is. Our problem is that we have refused to acknowledge the numerous blessings we receive every day from God which is enough to prove how so much God loves and cares for us. There is no greater blessing than the gift of eternal life that Jesus offered. If we failed to work towards this through faith and works, our condemnation will be great on the Day of Judgment.
Lord Jesus, increase our faith. Amen.
Amaka Egbuonu