First Reading: 2Kgs 5:1-15a; Psalm: 42. R. v. 42:3; Gospel: Lk 4:24-30
One of the most vulnerable people are those facing some unfortunate challenges of life. Life’s challenges can so weaken us to the extent that we no longer think straight or act reasonably because we can be overwhelmed by what is happening to us. Unfortunate conditions like sickness, barrenness, joblessness, marital problems and other devastating experiences can make us susceptible to the advices of sympathizers who at that moment are in a seemingly better condition than us.
When we are facing some challenges in life, we should be careful about the voices we listen to. Because advices at times like this can either come from an angel or a demon. It could be the angel or the demon in us; or the angel or the demon in others. In the case of Naaman the Syrian army commander, it was an angel in the person of his slave girl who advised him on what to do when he was devastated by his sickness. This slave girl from Israel became a channel through which her master received healing and conversion from the prophet Elisha. For Naaman professed, “Behold, I know that there is no God in all the earth but in Israel” (2Kgs 5:15a).
When we are in a position to offer advice to those devastated by the unfortunate experiences of life, we can choose to be angels and not demons. What we say to people or how we influence people at their vulnerable moments can either save or destroy them. We should never forget that life’s crises can make anyone so vulnerable to accept even the most unreasonable advice. Because when we are confused or in trouble, we can be ready to do anything to salvage our situation. So just like Naaman’s slave girl, we can choose to be a guiding angel to those in need of our help and not otherwise. Choose wisely today and save a soul.
Lord Jesus, help us to be good helpers to those in need of our support. Amen.