First Reading: Gen 4:1-15. 25; Psalm: 50. R. v. 14a; Gospel: Mk 8:11-13
“Where is Abel your brother?” (Gen 4:9).
Abel loved and trusted his brother Cain. If this was not the case, Abel would not have followed Cain to the field when Cain invited him. But Abel’s trust was betrayed when his own brother rose up against him and took his life. And God asked Cain, “Where is Abel your brother?” Of course God knew that Abel had been murdered by Cain. So God was not actually asking of the whereabouts of Abel, but was only inviting Cain to listen to the voice of his conscience that was already judging him. Cain was fighting this feeling but it kept haunting him.
The question from God, “Where is your brother?” is a strong message to us. It is a reminder that we are called to look after each other by loving, caring, and defending the good of one another. When we fail to do this, God will always cry out from the depth of our conscience reminding us that we have failed in this call. When we do evil, it will always come back to haunt us. And this implies that evil is wrong and that God condemns it.
Let us reflect today on the things that can lead us into evil actions and avoid them before they manipulate us. Anger is one of them. It was the feeling that ceased Cain before he killed Abel his brother. So when we are angry and jealous of the successes of others, we should be cautious and let these feelings go bearing in mind that we are called to be each other’s keeper. When we fail to love, help, care and support a needy neighbour, we should not fight or neglect that voice of God inside of us asking, “Where is your brother/sister?” If we listened to our hearts, we would always hear God speaking and guiding us.
Lord God, help us to listen to you as you guide and direct us. Amen.