First Reading: Ex 14:5-18; Psalm: Ex 15. R. v. 1a; Gospel: Mt 12:38-42
The scribes and Pharisees who listened to Jesus in today’s gospel were purposely out to ridicule him. Although it was obvious that Jesus was the Messiah and that his teachings were divinely inspired; yet these men refused to accept Jesus but instead demanded for a sign to believe him. It was not as if they would have believed had Jesus yielded to their request. They were just out to make a mockery of the whole message of the gospel and to frustrate the efforts of Jesus. It was for this reason that Jesus called them a wicked generation.
Wickedness does not only mean inflicting physical injury on others. Frustrating the genuine and sincere effort of people is even a more harmful thing to do. Jesus was greater than Jonah and wiser than Solomon yet both men were able to convert and make impact in the life of their listeners. But as for this audience of Jesus, they chose to be impenetrable and unrepentant. It is evil to see what is good and consciously and purposely refuse to acknowledge or accept it.
Are we among the league of those who are out to frustrate the good efforts of people? A good person is self evident. No one needs to do something extraordinary to prove that s/he is good. Our qualities are very visible in our words and actions. Acknowledge a good person when you see one. We gain nothing trying to ridicule people or pull them down? We can still grow without destroying people. When we thwart the good efforts of people with hatred and unkind criticism, we can kill their drive for more good actions. This kind of attitude should not be found among Christians who genuinely love God.
Lord Jesus, help us to appreciate and acknowledge the good in one another. Amen.