ST BONIFACE, B.M. (Memorial) Red

Boniface was renowned for destroying idols and pagan temples, and building churches on the sites. In Saxony, Boniface encountered a tribe worshiping a Norse deity in the form of a huge oak tree. He walked up to the tree, removed his shirt, took up an axe, and without a word hacked down the six foot wide wooden god. He stood on the trunk, and asked, “How stands your mighty god? My God is stronger than he.” Boniface reformed churches and built religious houses. He evangelized in Holland, but was set upon by a troop of pagans, and he and 52 of his new flock were martyred.

First Reading: Tb 1:3; 2:1a-8; Psalm: 112. R. v. 1b; Gospel: Mk 12:1-12



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In the gospel of today, Jesus told a parable of the wicked tenants. This parable was directed to the chief priests and the Pharisees. In Isaiah 5:1-7, the people of Israel were represented with the image of a vineyard by the prophet. It was with this image in mind that Jesus told this parable of the wicked tenants.

The vineyard in this parable is an allegorical representation of the people of Israel. God is the owner of this vineyard. He cared for the people of Israel with so much passion and love. Trusting on the capability of the religious leaders (the tenants), he placed his vineyard in their charge. When the vintage time came, God sent his servants (the prophets) to gather the fruits of the harvest but they were treated badly and scorned by the tenants. God finally sent his Son (Jesus Christ) hoping they would listen to him, but they dragged him outside and killed him. This privilege given to the tenants will now be taken away from them and given to the Gentiles.

The attitude of the tenants in this parable shows how ungrateful we can be at times. We have all received a lot from God but often we fail God in all that has been left at our disposal. Greed and covetousness has so much ceased us that we do no longer regard those around us as fellow humans in need of the basic needs of life. Whatever is placed in our charged is not to become an object of oppression against others. All that we have received from God shall be accounted for. And our pass mark shall depend on how well we use those things God has given to us in service to humanity. Stewardship comes with accountability. We cannot evade this. The earlier we realise this, the better for us.     


Lord Jesus, take away the pride and selfishness in us and grant us a generous heart to serve. Amen 

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