First Reading: Is 4:2-6; Psalm: 122. R. v. 1; Gospel: Mt 8:5-11
“Amen, I say to you, in no one in Israel have I found such a faith.” (Mt 8:10)
As we begin the first week of the Church’s new liturgical year, it is very apt to read of the centurion’s encounter with Jesus. The faith of this centurion amazed Jesus that he declared, “Amen, I say to you, in no one in Israel have I found such a faith.” This is the kind of faith that we should have as we begin a new year in the Church’s liturgical calendar. A kind of faith that will amaze God. A kind of faith that believes in God’s control and authority over everything. A kind of faith that can turn impossible situations around.
What amazed Jesus about this centurion was not only that he had faith in him. But also that he believed in his authority over everything. The kind of authority that is not limited to space and time. This was why the centurion insisted that Jesus should not bother coming to his house but should only say the word and his servant shall be healed. His trust in the power of Jesus over everything including space and time, won him his desired request.
Beginnings are always filled with expectations, but not without some doubts. We could have a lot of activities lined up across the days and months yet to come. And sometimes we can become anxious about them. The faith of the centurion should challenge us today. We have to entrust all our plans and expectations to God in prayer and trust believing that he is in control. Although the days and months to come may be uncertain; but if we entrust everything to God who is not limited to space and time, all shall go well for us. God needs us to trust him in this way.
Lord Jesus, increase our faith in you as we begin this new liturgical year with you. Amen.