ST JOHN MARY VIANNEY P. (Memorial) White
John Mary Vianney also known as Cure of Ars was a priest. It took him several years of seminary study before he was ordained as he was not a very good student, and his Latin was terrible. He was a good preacher and had good reputation with penitents. He spent forty years in the parish of Ars which suffered lax attendance and he revitalised it again with his visit to his parishioners and the sick. He was canonised by Pope Pius XII in 1925. He is the patron saint of the clergy throughout the world.
First Reading: Lev 23:1.4-11.15-16.27.34b-37; Psalm: 81 R. v. 2a; Gospel: Mt 13:54-58
We can anticipate and predict what someone could become in the future by the qualities and virtues exuded by that person while growing up. For instance, it should not be surprising to see a well behaved child from a very religious family become a priest in the future and doing well in this vocation. In fact, the surprise should only come when such a child ends up being bad mannered and irresponsible after being brought up in a religious way and showed signs of acclimatization. Surprises are only elicited by unexpected outcomes.
There is no doubt that Jesus was a very responsible child growing up amongst his people. Mary his mother was of course a very decent, responsible and righteous woman. Needless to say, the manner in which she conceived and bore Jesus and the holy qualities exuded by the child Jesus while growing up should have prepared the minds of his people about what is to come. But obviously Jesus’ people were blind to this. And when Jesus began to do mighty things, they rejected him for they were blind and close-minded.
This shows how sometimes we can miss the presence of God around us. How sometimes we can be so busy and carried away by personal issues that we fail to see how very close God is to us. It also shows that we can sometimes feel so indisposed to reflect and face reality if there were evidences that could help us accept certain truths. If the people of Jesus reflected well, perhaps they would not be so surprised about what they saw and heard concerning Jesus. There are moments we just have to look beyond the material conditions of people to see the precious and invaluable treasures they possess. The people of Jesus failed in this regard.
Lord Jesus, increase our faith in you and in one another. Amen.