First Reading: Isa 29:17-24; Psalm: 27. R. v. 1a; Gospel: Mt 9:27-31
“Do you believe that I am able to do this?” (Mt 9:28).
The gospel of today reports that two blind men begged Jesus for mercy from the street up to the house where Jesus was going. Reflecting on this, we can easily conclude that it was not a fair treatment from Jesus. Jesus could have just turned and heal them instead of allowing them to beg him all the way from the street. But apparently, it was just a short distance and a way of testing their faith. The good thing was that these blind men did not give in following Jesus which was an option if they wanted to do so. But they kept hoping and believing.
When Jesus entered the house and saw that these blind men followed him; he asked, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” This question could put off anyone. Because if these blind men didn’t believe in Jesus, they wouldn’t have devoted their time following him in the first place. But the truth is that, if a sick person do not believe in a doctor or on the medication prescribed, s/he may not get well. And secondly, just following is not a sign of faith. It is in our personal encounter with God that our faith is really tested. So, it was when these blind men personally professed their faith in Jesus that they were healed.
When we pray, it is not more about how much we ask but how much we believe. As Christians, it is not all about following Jesus just like every other Christian; it is more about how much we believe in the God we follow and serve. We should learn from the healing of these blind men not to give up in hoping and believing when we pray. And ultimately, to trust in God who will answer us at his own appropriate time. Perseverance and faith are key to an answered prayer.
Lord Jesus, increase our faith. Amen.