First Reading: Col 1:1-8; Psalm: 52. R. v. 10cd; Gospel: Lk 4:38-44
“I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other cities also; for I was sent for this purpose.” (Lk 4:43).
Jesus continues his ministry in Capernaum due to their openness of heart. After teaching in their synagogue and healing the man with unclean demon, Jesus left the synagogue for Simon’s house. On getting there, he found Simon’s mother-in-law lying sick with a high fever. Again, the household of Simon showed faith in Jesus for they told Jesus of her illness. Jesus again proved his authority over evil. And unlike the traditional healers of their time, who use herbs and long incantations to heal the sick, Jesus rebuked the fever and she was well again.
With the healing in the synagogue and in the house of Simon, the news of Jesus’ authority over demons and illnesses went out in every place in the surrounding region. By sunset, all those who had any that were sick with various diseases brought their sick to Jesus that he might lay his hands on them and heal them. And Jesus obliged and healed them all. After these healings, Jesus withdrew to pray in a silent place, but the people found him and pleaded with him to remain with them. But Jesus said, “I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other cities also; for I was sent for this purpose.”
We can be so comfortable and clingy to whomever and whatever offers us our desired needs. The people of Capernaum wanted Jesus to remain with them because of the advantage of his presence. Sometimes we can be selfish and possessive when we experience the advantage of generosity and love. When God blesses us with generous people, we should not be deterrence to the expansiveness of that generosity. Jesus teaches us today that God’s love must go viral. God’s love must reach out to those who thirst for it. Likewise, when God blesses us with plenty, we should not limit our generosity to our families and communities alone. We can even reach out to people of other colour and race, for they are also God’s children.
Lord Jesus, may we grow in generosity and love. Amen.