ST ANDREW AP. (Feast) Red
He was a brother to Peter and a disciple of John the Baptist. He was the first apostle called by Jesus (Jn 1:40). Upon his invitation he left his net and everything and followed Jesus. His immediate response and commitment to Christ’s invitation leaves us an example. He preached the gospel in what is now modern Greece and Turkey. He died preaching from the X-shaped cross on which he was crucified.
First Reading: Rom 10:9-18; Psalm: 19. R. v. 5a; Gospel: Mt 4:18-22
It is apt to celebrate this great apostle as we begin the advent season. Because we see in the life of St Andrew how we should respond to God’s invitation as we await his coming. Andrew was busy fishing with his brother Peter when Jesus called him. His immediate response to the call of Jesus by leaving his net behind shows the right attitude that every true follower of Christ should emulate in response to God’s call. A response of trust and total submission.
We are just few days into the period of advent. A time we prepare for the coming of Christ at Christmas. During this period, we should cultivate the attitude of being attentive to what God is calling us to do. Perhaps we have been so busy and barely listen to God. And maybe that’s why we have been sad and unhappy. Jesus could be telling us today to listen to his call and follow his path by putting away our sinful old ways of life. This doesn’t mean taking a break from our sinful attitudes but putting it away completely to follow the path of righteousness as we await the coming of Christ.
St Andrew, the saint we celebrate today, preached the gospel in what is now modern Greece and Turkey. He never ceased in his zeal for the gospel after that immediate response to the call of Jesus. He remained committed even to the point of death. He was crucified on an X-shaped cross (saltire) at Patras. He preached the gospel from that cross as he hung on it for two days. Just like St Andrew, once we have decided to follow Jesus, let our commitment carry us till the end.
Lord Jesus, help us to trust that you know what is best for us; and to follow you till the end. Amen.
Thanks Padre