First Reading: Heb 2:14-18; Psalm: 105 R. v. 8a; Gospel: Mk 1:29-39
“Everyone is searching for you.” (Mk 1:37)
It is always very difficult to leave a people or a place where you are loved. It is even more difficult when this fondness turns to fame. When we become the centre of attraction in a place, there is often that tendency to pitch our tent there so as to enjoy the glory of the moment. But wise men would say, ‘It is better to leave when the ovation is high.’ In life, there is always that opportunity to win the admiration or affection of people due to our services. But when we allow this feeling to get the better of us, we can become too comfortable and complacent and forget that we can even become better when we exercise our talents elsewhere.
Jesus was not carried away by what he was able to achieve in few days. When he visited the house of Simon, he found Simon’s mother-in-law with fever. And when he cured her, the news probably went round the city that by evening they brought to him many who were sick and possessed and he cured them. By morning, Jesus was out of there to a lonely place. Simon and others came to him and said, “Everyone is searching for you.” But Jesus replied, “Let us go on to the next towns, that I may preach there also; for that is why I came out.” For Jesus, life is not all about fondness or popularity; it is about touching the lives of people. And we can do this by refusing to be controlled by the bond of attachment.
A lot of people are more interested in reaping the fruits of their work than doing the work. Understandably, everyone deserves to reap the fruits of their labour. But not when the work suffers. Our work suffers when we are more interested in the gain than in the effort and sacrifices needed for the job. When we limit our gifts and talents in doing the same thing than in trying new things. When we are too comfortable with our present achievements with no desire for higher goals. God wants the best out of us. And we can achieve this when we are passionate to try new things and explore new places. Life can even get better when we move on from our present comfort zones.
Lord Jesus, grant us the zeal and courage to change our world and to overcome the passion of selfish interest. Amen.