First Reading: Gen 2:4b-9. 15-17; Psalm: 104. R. v. 1a; Gospel: Mk 7:14-23
Jesus reminds us in the gospel of today that what defiles a man is what comes out from the heart of man. He then went further and enumerated a few sins that proceed from the heart of man: fornication, theft, murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, licentiousness, envy, slander, pride, and foolishness. Looking at these sins, it will be difficult for anyone to claim not guilty of at least one of them. As imperfect as we are, we must have in one way or the other harboured one of these sins in our heart. So does this mean we cannot be holy?
The reason Jesus enumerated these sins was not really to judge us but to help us. When any of these thoughts begin to grow in our hearts, remembering the words of Jesus that they defile us can help us quickly uproot or refuse to let them metamorphose into action. The truth remains that we cannot completely be freed of these thoughts due to our human imperfections. But how we handle them and what we do with them is what matters most.
So today Jesus calls our attention to the heart from where sin and evil emerges. A call to proactively handle the sinful thoughts that linger in our hearts before they metamorphose into action. Are we conscious of the need to make this needed effort to jettison evil thoughts from our hearts? When pride begins to grow in us, reminding ourselves that all we have were received from God can help control the sin of pride. Jesus needs us to make serious effort to handle the sinful thoughts in our hearts. It is part of the journey to holiness of life.
Lord Jesus, purify the intentions of our hearts. Amen.