First Reading: 2Thess 2:1-3a. 14-17; Psalm: 96. R. v. 13b; Gospel: Mt 23:23-26
Today, Jesus condemned the scribes and Pharisees because they were very meticulous about tithing and neglected mercy, justice and fidelity. They were diligent with matters that had little importance and completely ignore weightier matters. They practiced external religiosity but are not spiritually religious. Sometimes we fall within this category. We pay greater attention to the unimportant things of life due to our pursuit of self-interest while we ignore what is most important.
What Jesus wants from us is very explicit. It is justice, mercy, and faithfulness. Why do we find it difficult to live by these virtues? It is because of our vulnerability to selfishness. We tend to do things that will satisfy our insatiable desires to the detriment of human service. This is why we sacrifice the truth of justice because of some attractive incentives and neglect faithfulness and mercy because our hearts are set on fulfilling our own desires. If we really want to live by these virtues, then our decision should be guided by selfless interest.
Today, people cheat, kill, rob, dupe, and involve themselves in various crimes because they choose to satisfy the impulses of selfish interest. These are crimes against justice, mercy, and faithfulness because they injure the good of the human person. There is no sense pretending to be a Christian by Church going and other external religious practices when we can’t live by our call as Christians. We need to understand that when we leave the Church every day after Mass, we do not leave God’s presence but we go with God’s presence. So the comportment, religious discipline, and the beliefs we profess in Church should follow us all the way out. If not, then we are no different from these set of Pharisees whom Jesus condemned today.
Lord, open our eyes to know what really matters and grant us the grace to do them. Amen.
Thanks Fr for your beautiful reflection
So enriching. God bless you fr.