First Reading: Gal 5:1-6; Psalm: 119. R. v. 41a; Gospel: Lk 11 37-41
Jesus was a Jew and knew all the laws of the Jews. When he was invited to dine in the house of a Pharisee, he decided to act unlike a Jew to correct an attitude unlike a Christian. He went straight to the table and began to eat, neglecting the ritual washing of hands which every Jew must do before eating. The Jews believed that this ritual washing would purify them from their contact with the sinful world. And to omit this practice is considered a sin. Jesus knew that his host would react to his action; so he seized that opportunity to emphasise that legalism is useless without inner conversion.
Jesus wanted to correct this attitude exhibited by this set of Pharisees who are very good at keeping laws but pay less attention to inner purity. Jesus was saying that if they could replicate that commitment to keeping the law by paying attention to the purity of their hearts, they will be clean. “For it is from within that evil intention emerges: fornication, theft, murder, adultery, avarice, malice, deceit, indecency, envy, slander, pride, folly. All these evil thing come from within and make a person unclean” (Mk 7:21-23).
How often do we care more about our public image than our inner life? No matter how religious and prayerful we are; if we are not moved to faith and true conversion of heart; we are very far from God. Observation of religious laws is not wrong. But they must not be used as an instrument of deception to project a false image of ourselves. Religious laws and duties like praying daily, going to Mass, and giving alms are meant to aid and prepare us to align ourselves to adequately respond to God’s call to holiness. It is not the other way round. God is more interested in the conversion of our soul. If we are clean from the inside; we are clean all over.
Lord Jesus, help us to be a Christian in our hearts.
Well spoken!