He was ordained at age 29 and was noted for his simple, clear style of preaching, and his understanding manner in the confessional. He founded the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (Liguorians or Redemptorists). Alphonsus was appointed bishop in 1762, and worked to reform the clergy and revitalise the faithful in the diocese. In 1775 he resigned his office due to his health. In 1777 the royal government threatened to disband his Redemptorists but with is knowledge of Theology and his skills as a lawyer, he defended the Redemptorists and obtained the king’s approval. He was declared a Doctor of the Church by Pope IX in 1871.
First Reading: Ex 33:7-11. 34:5b-9. 28; Psalm: 103. R. v. 8a; Gospel: Mt 13:36-43
Our level of spiritual discipline and holiness of life would improve if we saw the promises of heaven through the lens of certainty. We often are not moved to be persistent in righteous living either because we are not sure of the heavenly promises or because the promises of heaven and its beautiful eternal benefits are not visible enough to incentivise us. Naturally, humans are easily convinced and motivated by empirical evidence. If we signed a contract to be rewarded with a mansion, a car and a job if only we met certain requirements; many of us would definitely try so hard to surmount the thorns and thistles of that contract because the rewards are visible and certain.
Jesus promised us today that there is a sure reward for the sons of the kingdom who would persist in righteousness till the end of time. To live amidst the evil prevalent in our world is very challenging. The influence of sin could be very tempting especially when we lose sight of the hope of heaven. We can begin to remind ourselves today of the promises of Jesus that the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. This is not the promises of men but of God. This promise may not appear attractive to the eyes like earthly benefits; but we must remember that “no eyes has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him.” (1Cor 3:9).
And this is where the theological virtue of hope comes in because Christians are people of hope. Christian hope is not some wishful thinking; like imagining things that are unlikely to happen. The promises of God which we all hope to receive are true, certain and a definite reality. This is the kind of disposition that should guide our choice of living. God is not man. If man could keep his promise; how much more God our creator and the giver of all that we have. Whenever we are weak and almost discouraged to continue on the right way; we can leverage on God’s promise and order our ways. God’s promises are sure.
Lord Jesus, strengthen our faith in your promises. Amen.