First Reading: Dan 2:31-45; Psalm: Dan 3. R. V. 35b; Gospel: Lk 21:5-11
In life, it takes a lot to build but very easy to destroy. It takes also a lot of time, energy and money to plan an event or occasion that will start and end in just a matter of minutes or hours. This is life. The end comes so quickly before we know it.
And when everything ends, things can become even clearer to us because in our busyness, we can be blind to certain things. We may discover there are things we didn’t plan and did well. We may begin to see the mistakes we made and some omission we should have considered. Reflecting on the past can pop up some regrettable mistakes. But the painful part of it all is that we cannot rewind and revisit the past to amend the errors therein.
Today, Jesus reminds us of the reality of the end so that we can better prepare ourselves to avoid regretting our past. It was hard for the Jews to accept that the temple which took them years to build will suddenly crumble down before their eyes. But Jesus wanted them to focus on the salvation of their souls and not the temple. Likewise, let the events of life not preoccupy our minds to the detriment of our souls. All events of life will end but our soul is eternal. And our soul can only be saved based on how well we listen to the command of Christ. Though the end comes so quickly; but if we are vigilant, it will not take us unawares.
Lord Jesus, we pray for the grace to always do your will. Amen.