First Reading: Job 38:1. 8-11; Psalm: 107. R. v. 1; Second Reading: 2 Cor 5:14-17; Gospel: Mk 4:35-41



  JESUS, (English), Jesus Calms The Storm, 49% OFF

On a normal day, the reaction of the disciples towards Jesus in the gospel of today would have been considered disrespectful and inappropriate. But today isn’t a normal day for them. Everything seemed fine when they agreed to the suggestion of Jesus to cross over to the other side of the sea by boat. It was also all good as they began the journey with Jesus that evening. But suddenly, nature throws a curveball and there was disarray. The stormy wind was so great that the waves began to beat into the boat. Perhaps at first the disciples tried to manage the situation. But when the boat was filling up they realised this was death sentence; and at this point they turned to Jesus.

Apparently, they would have reacted differently if they found Jesus awake and staring. But Jesus was by the stern, asleep on the cushion. It was as though Jesus was completely unperturbed by the danger at hand. And they immediately woke him up with the seemingly rash words; “Teacher, do you not care if we perish?” Of course, Jesus cares. Of course, precedently they are quite aware that their master is very supportive. But today wasn’t a normal day. When life throws a curveball at us, our reactions are often different from normal. Not because we chose to; but because certain life experiences can alter the normal way we react to issues. Of course, Jesus rebuked them for their fear and lack of faith; but he nevertheless did not fail to come to their rescue because he is in touch with the human condition.

Today, many will frown at this very reaction of the disciples of Jesus in today’s gospel or consider it disrespectful on the ground that no one dares question God. Recourse is often made to Romans 9:20 to buttress their claim. But there is a difference between challenging God and making a prayer request that takes the form of a question. Romans 9:20 says; “But who are you, a man, to answer back to God? Will what is molded say to its molder, “Why have you made me thus?’” This is different from inviting God into our situation which sometimes takes the shape of a question.

The question of the disciples: “Teacher, do you not care if we perish?” is an indirect way of asking Jesus to come quickly to their aid lest they perish. This may not be a perfect way to pray; but Jesus understands their situation at that time and knows they may not react this way on a normal day. On a normal day, Jesus will not cry out “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” But the pain of crucifixion made him do so. Jesus prayed thus not because he lost faith in his Father; but because he needed divine support in the peak of his suffering.

So, Jesus who experienced suffering is very much in touch with the human condition. When we are rattled and devastated by the storms of life, there are some questions and comments we make which may not necessarily be a direct prayer but expresses our pain, anxiety and confusion. God may frown at our lack of faith at this point; but God also perfectly understands our human struggles in moments of trials. Our groans, complaints and questions may not be bad and sinful as we think; in that being expressively real in moments of crises is a step towards healing. When the pressure of crises forces us to speak to God as we feel; God maybe disappointed but he definitely is not man; for he understands our situation better than we do and loves us still. As long as we do not curse God; we have not gone overboard.

Job asked God a couple of questions in his moment of trials. As he drowned in pain and sorrow, he groaned and complained. But God heard him still. This is really not the best way to speak to God. But the point is that God is not stiff and insensitive to the crises we face in life and the toll they take on us. God feels our pain and understands our situations. He will not forsake us even when out of pressure we complain rashly and ask questions. He knows we are frightened and confused. And in that vulnerable moment, he will still come through for us and calm the storm because he truly cares.


Lord Jesus, in our moments of crises, may we not lose faith and trust in you. Amen.


  1. James Gachimbi

    May the Almighty calm the storm of leadership in Nigeria and my country Kenya….God bless you Father.

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