First Reading: Ws 1:13-15; 2:23-24; Psalm: 30. R. v. 2a; Second Reading: 2 Cor 8:7.9. 13-15; Gospel: Mk 5:21-43   



Jairus' Great Dilemma |

When Jairus left his house to meet Jesus, it was a matter of urgency. Jairus must have tried varied medical procedures on her daughter to improve her health but to no avail. Her twelve year old daughter was now at the point of death, and Jesus was the final resort. When Jairus came to Jesus, he fell at his feet and begged him, saying, “My little daughter is at the point of death. Come and lay your hands on her, so that she may be made well, and live.” This plea carries a great sense of urgency. Jesus empathised with him and got up to follow him immediately; but congestion was an obvious problem.

Apparently, the same crowd that gathered about Jesus prior to the appearing of Jairus also rose and followed Jesus. The crowd was so great that they pressed round Jesus and made his movement rather slow than quick. One can imagine how pissed and frustrated Jairus was to see this crowd act so insensitively. Did they not hear him say that his daughter was sick and at the point of death? Why would they hinder the quick response of Jesus who was eager to remedy the situation? But while Jairus was containing his fit of rage, Jesus was relaxed following the pace of the crowd. And just immediately, a greater interrupter surfaced – the haemorrhaging woman.

While the healing of this woman is a good thing, Jairus would wish she appeared on different day but today. It would seem that Jairus was happy to see this woman recover from her illness; but Jairus could also be so uncomfortable to see Jesus so relaxed and busy asking “Who touched my garments?” when Jesus could just move on since the miracle has already happened. It was as though Jesus has already forgotten the urgency of his case. And while Jesus was busy speaking to this woman, words came from Jairus’ house; “Your daughter is dead. Why trouble the Teacher any further?” This drop of bombshell must have devastated Jairus. His fear has come upon him. But Jesus said to him; “Do not fear, only believe.”

It was only at this point that Jesus hastened his movement. This time around, Jesus allowed no one to follow him except Peter and James and John the brother of James. And when they got to the house of Jairus, he took the little girl by the hand and brought her back to life. Everyone was amazed. And we could bet that Jairus was more amazed and relieved.

There are few but great lessons we need to take from this gospel message. When God seems slow or too relaxed to attend to our pressing needs; we should not lose faith or feel that God is indifferent to our situation. God has his reasons. As Jesus followed the pace of the crowd, it gave the haemorrhaging woman the opportunity to encountered him and receive healing. And while Jairus was expecting Jesus to heal his sick and dying daughter; Jesus was planning to raise his dead daughter. Our expectations are often not the wishes of God. It is best then to follow God’s own pace. No matter how urgent we feel our cases are, God is never too late to come through for us if God wants to. Once we have invited God into our cases, we should trust in God’s own pace and time. It is never over till God says so.

The problem of Jairus was that he was operating on the human thought pattern. The belief that if we don’t act fast things will get worse or permanently go bad. But God is the author of time. He knows what to do, when to do it, and how to do it.

Just like Jairus, we often dictate to God how we want our prayers to be answered as though God is designed to act in line with our thought pattern. Little wonder they said to Jairus; “Your daughter is dead. Why trouble the Teacher any further?” But Jesus wants Jairus to trust in the divine plan and not the plan of man which was why he said to Jairus; “Do not fear, only believe.” When we come to God in prayer, all that God needs us to do is to believe; just believe. So, when things are not turning out as expected, when our sickness is getting worse, when the addiction is persistent, or when we suffer a job loss and feel there is nothing more to hope for; Jesus says to us: “Do not fear, only believe.” Because Jesus will follow us all the way.


Lord Jesus, when things are not turning out well for us, help us to believe and to trust that you are in charge and will make things right at your own appointed time. Amen

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