ST JOHN PAUL II, Pp. (Memorial) White
John Paul II, born Karol Józef Wojtyła in Poland, was pope of the Catholic Church from 16 October 1978 until his death on 2 April 2005. He was the second longest-serving pope in modern history after Pope Pius IX who served for nearly 32 years. During his 27 year papacy, he was known for his charismatic nature, zeal for families, young people and the sick. In his homily at his inauguration as pope, he stressed “Do not be afraid, Open, I say open wide the doors for Christ.” The message became one of the signature statements of his papacy. “Totus Tuus” (Latin meaning “totally yours”) was Pope John Paul II’s apostolic motto.
First Reading: Eph 4:7-16; Psalm: 122. R. v. 1; Gospel: Lk 13: 1-9
Just like the Galileans whose blood Pilate mingled, many have gone before us in a gruesome manner not because they were the worse sinners but because they were unfortunate. If we should reflect on the lives of those who have died, may be a family member or a friend; we may discover that they are better off than us in terms of their moral and spiritual life. So, the reason we are alive today is not by merit but only a privilege which we should not misuse or take for granted.
Jesus warns us today to make good use of our opportunities while we still have them. In his parable, he described us as a fig tree that has refused to bear fruit. He also revealed his care and patience towards us to enable us bear fruit. God’s grace is sufficient for us. It is like that manure which the gardener put around the tree to make it bear fruit. God constantly guides us to live righteously. But often times we do not respond to his grace. If we keep rebelling, of what use then are we to God and to the world?
God speaks to us every day. When we see a neighbour who is generous to people; that is God speaking to us. When we notice a friend who forgives so easily; that is also God speaking to us. When we neglect a good deed and our conscience begins to rebuke us; God is the one speaking to us. When we are about to sin and our conscience reprimands us; that is the voice of God speaking to us. If we pay attention to our environments, we would discover that God speaks to us almost all the time. So while we are still alive, let us pay more attention and dispose ourselves to responding to God’s invitation to do good. Because repentance is for the living and not for the dead.
Lord Jesus, we pray for the grace of repentance so as to bear fruit in our lives. Amen.
St Johnpaul my Patron saint pray for us