ST CATHERINE OF SIENA, V.D. (Memorial) White
She had a vision at the age of six where Jesus blessed her. She resisted marriage and became a Dominican tertiary. She was a mystic and a stigmatist and in a vision was united with Christ in a mystical marriage where Christ presented her with a wedding ring. She was a counsellor to Pope Gregory XI and Pope Urban VI. She helped bring peace to her native Siena, to Italy, and to the 14th century Europe. Through her efforts, the Papacy was returned from Avignon to Rome. She was proclaimed Doctor of the Church on 4 October, 1970.
First Reading: Acts 9:31-42; Psalm: 116. R. v. 12; Gospel: Jn 6:60-69
Dorcas was full of good works and acts of charity. This became her story. Her acts of charity moved the disciples to pity that they felt she ought not to have died so early. And so they called upon Peter. When Peter arrived, the good works of Dorcas were told by several widows who were beneficiaries of her acts of generosity. We can imagine the commotion in her house as all the widows gathered there weeping and carrying the coats she made for them. This moved Peter that he knelt down and prayed and God restored Dorcas back to life.
Can we remember the story of the raising of Lazarus and how Jesus was moved to tears because of his death? (Luke 11). Jesus did not raise Lazarus to life just because he was his friend but also because Lazarus was a good man. In Isaiah 38, God added fifteen more years to the life of King Hezekiah because in sickness, Hezekiah prayed to God and recounted how he had walked in God’s ways when he was in good health. God gives life to those who do good and fear him.
This story of the raising of Dorcas and other biblical examples of Lazarus and Hezekiah should remind us of the Day of Judgment. On that day, we shall all be judged by the beautiful or the ugly stories we have written in our book of life. This will determine whether we shall enjoy eternal life or eternal condemnation. We can begin to write beautiful stories in our book of life now that we can; so that these stories would be the reason why God shall give us that life that never ends on the last day. When we are charitable, we build treasures for ourselves in heaven. What would we be remembered for when we pass away?
Lord Jesus, may the passion for charity and good work grow daily in us so that it may shine out in our actions. Amen.