First Reading: Heb 11:1-7; Psalm: 145. R. v. 1b; Gospel: Mk 9:2-13
The world’s logic of belief is in contrast to the Christian perspective. In our world’s perspective, we have to see in order to believe. But in the Christian standard, we have to believe in order to see. The world relies so much on empirical evidence as proof to one’s capabilities. If we cannot prove what we claim, no one would believe in us. But this logic does not apply when it comes to God. The author of the book of Hebrews reminds us that faith in God is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
God really doesn’t need to prove anything to us for us to believe in him. If we built our faith in God based on the things we can see, God may not really do anything for us. Because we are building our faith on things that can fail. And God does not fail. So such kind of faith is not compatible with God. We need to trust in God as God. If God can create the world out of nothing, then it will be so unreasonable of anyone to doubt what God can do without evidence.
We are privileged today to read about the great men and women of faith. We can learn from them. When God instructed Noah to build an ark, Noah obeyed without seeing any sign of the rain. When God asked Abraham to leave his home and move to a foreign land, Abraham did without knowing where exactly he was going. When God promised Hannah a son through Eli the priest, Hannah believed without any sign of conception. God did not fail any of these persons for believing in him without seeing. Those who God does a lot for are those who have absolute trust in him.
Lord Jesus, take away every doubt from our hearts that we may come to faith in you. Amen.