First Reading: Dan 7:15-27; Psalm: Dan 3. R. v. 60b; Gospel: Lk 21:34-36
As Jesus concludes his eschatological speech in the gospel of today, he calls us to be continuously vigilant. “Take heed to yourselves lest your hearts be weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and cares of this life . . .” These words of Jesus is a call on the faithful to guard against becoming totally absorbed in the daily activities of life. It is a reminder to us that the things of this world could trap and hold us down. They could distract our attention from being vigilant as we await the Lord’s coming.
Jesus further warns, “Watch at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that will take place, and to stand before the Son of man.” This is a call to a life of vigilance and prayer so as to persevere through our time of trials and temptations. For these period shall put our faith in God to the test.
So, as we go about our daily activities, they can at times distract us from focusing on eternal values where our salvation lies. We must therefore always remember that it is within the activities of our daily lives that we can work out our salvation. And it is still within the activities of life that our earthly existence will come to an end. It could be by morning, afternoon, evening or night. Our end will surely meet us within our daily activities. What shall we be found doing when that hour comes? We can ponder on this to help our everyday preparations for the coming of the Lord.
Lord Jesus, grant us the grace to be constantly vigilant as we await your coming. Amen.