First Reading: Acts 13:44-52; Psalm: 98. R. v. 3cd; Gospel: Jn 14:7-14
There are people who feel we cannot do or succeed without them. Those with this kind of mentality have the propensity to frustrate our efforts or choose not to readily co-operative with us on certain things especially when they perceive certain potentials in us that pose a threat to what they have or who they are. When we find ourselves in situations like this, we should be courageous to turn away from such people and seek new ways of succeeding. When one door closes, God can open another only if we are courageous enough to move on. Our successes are not tied down to the support of certain individuals. God can use anybody to write our success story.
The Jews had always believed they have the monopoly of salvation prior to the gospel of Jesus Christ. They felt that the gospel of Christ can only thrive if they endorsed it. As Paul and Barnabas preached to the crowd at Antioch in Pisidia, the Jews contradicted their teachings and reviled them. When Paul and Barnabas saw that the Jews were not open to the gospel, they left them and turned to the Gentiles who gladly accepted the gospel and glorified God. And the word of the Lord spread throughout all that region and even beyond. But the Jews incited hostility against Paul and Barnabas and chased them out of their district.
Those who fight us when we begin to succeed were never meant to help us in our moments of struggle. When we are pursuing a just cause and do not get the support or approval we need from people; we must not give up but courageously move on. Pursuing a just cause is God’s own project and God does not need the approval of man to make good things happen. We will always meet people who feel they are greater and better positioned to make us succeed. But God is the only one who can guide us to success if we followed his lead. Let no one make us feel we cannot succeed without them. That alone is a sign that such person(s) he is a hindrance to our success.
Lord Jesus, increase our trust in you and in your promises. Amen.