First Reading: 1Tim 2:1-8; Psalm: 28. R. v. 6; Gospel: Lk 7:1-10
The centurion in the gospel of today was in great need. He wanted his servant to get well and he knew he could get what he wanted from Jesus. But there was a little barrier. He was a Gentile and Jesus was a Jew. And so he feared Jesus might not grant his request because of the unfriendly relationship between the Jews and the Gentiles. His recourse to the Jewish elders to plead with Jesus on his behalf was possible because he built a synagogue for them. These elders went and pleaded with Jesus on his behalf recounting the centurion’s good deeds as to why Jesus should help him since he was a good man.
Jesus got up and made his way to the centurion’s house. But as he got close to the house, the centurion sent some friends to beg Jesus not to come any closer but to say the word and his servant will be well again. Jesus was amazed by his faith which as a result healed his servant.
There are a number of intercessors in this healing miracle. The centurion interceded for his sick slave. The Jewish elders interceded for the centurion. And while Jesus was on his way to heal the sick slave, the friends of the centurion came and interceded for the centurion and his slave. All these individuals played a role in the healing of the sick slave.
How ready are we to come to the aid of those in need especially when we are in a very good position to help as intercessions? If we are better placed to help people, we shouldn’t hesitate because God uses the human instrument to bless people. We should not forget that we are all channels of God’s blessings. Don’t turn down people when we are in a very good position to help them. The setbacks suffered by several people in our world today wouldn’t have happened if those in a better position to help had intervened. Help somebody in need today. That is the best way of healing the situation.
Lord Jesus, we pray for a generous and merciful heart to become instruments of charity and mercy to one another. Amen.