First Reading: Acts 19:1-8; Psalm: 68. R. v. 33a; Gospel: Jn 16:29-33
Jesus was very good at using parables and figures while speaking to his disciples about the kingdom of God. And whenever he did this, his disciples always felt confused. But today, they reacted differently. They claimed to have understood all that Jesus had said. “Ah, now you are speaking plainly, not in any figure! Now we know that you know all things, and need none to question you; by this we believe that you came from God.” By speaking in this manner, the disciples of Jesus claimed to have reached maturity of faith since they now understood Jesus plainly and needed no one to explain anything to them.
Although they claimed to have understood and believed in Jesus; but Jesus saw how very fragile their faith were. Jesus’ hour of suffering would prove this. They shall all be scattered. None of them will be bold enough to stand by Jesus. It is always easy to profess faith in God than standing faithful when the challenges of the faith confront us. Jesus knows how very weak we are even when we fail to see it. He knows how humanly passionate we can be about the things of God though spiritually weak at the same time. Jesus sees it all.
And this is the beautiful thing about God. God acknowledges and appreciates even our childlike faith. Those moments when just like his disciples we make impetuous avowals or promises believing we can keep to it only to fail later. Although we may not see how susceptible we are to fail but God does. Whenever we fall away or fail on the things of God that we felt we can do; God does not stand to condemn us but appreciates our effort. As we mature in the faith, we can see ourselves as a growing baby learning how to stand and walk. Definitely, we shall fall; but we can learn from our fall and stand stronger trusting on Jesus who is saying to us: “be of good cheer, I have overcome the world” (Jn 16:33).
Lord Jesus, may our faith in you grow daily. Amen.