First Reading: Sir 1:1-10; Psalm: 93. R. v. 1a; Gospel: Mk 9:14-29
Have we ever found ourselves in a fix and desperately needed someone to help us out? If we have, we may begin to understand the feelings of Jesus’ disciples in the gospel of today. The disciples have learnt a lot from Jesus. In Mark 6:7, Jesus called them and sent them out to preach, heal, and cast out demons. When they went on this mission, they succeeded in healing many sick people (Mk 6:13). But in the gospel of today, they found themselves in a fix for they could not heal a mute boy that was brought to them for healing.
The father of this mute boy actually brought his child to Jesus for healing. But since Jesus was on the mountain praying, he decided to go to his disciples. When the disciples failed to heal his son, his faith was dampened. This was why he said to Jesus when Jesus came down from the mountain, “If you can do anything, have pity on us and help us.” (Mk 9:23). Jesus rebuked his unbelief because it is our faith that moves God and not our request. And the man immediately professed, “I believe; help my unbelief!”
In life, dispositions affect results. If we approached a problem with a doubting spirit, the result may not come right. But with belief and determination we can successfully achieve our goals. Faith works in the same manner. The father of the mute boy had to believe in order for his request to be granted. But sometimes our faith needs to be accompanied by fasting and prayer for us to get certain results. This is what Jesus wants us to learn from the experience of his disciples. With faith we can move mountains. But when faith goes with prayer and fasting, bigger things happen.
Lord Jesus, help our unbelief. Amen.